Gifted and Talented
The goal in Byron Public Schools is to build a program where ALL kids have a place in the system. They feel valued and they learn at their own pace. Therefore, we have moved from a traditional pull-out model serving a small number of students to an integrated model that expands instructional practices for more students. As we continue to grow, we continue to LEARN. SHARE. INNOVATE. and INSPIRE.
What occurs for High Achieving students at each of our buildings?
Primary: Byron Public Schools is dedicated to personalizing the learning and fostering a curious passion for learning. Our high achieving programming does this through core and specials classes at the Primary level. Students are encouraged to think outside the box and are often working in small groups with the teacher at different places. Primary teachers are personalizing instruction for each individual student. This may be seen in project-based learning, free choice of independent reading, and flexible grouping among a group of teachers.
Intermediate: At the intermediate building high achieving students are selected based on criteria of being in the 98th percentile or higher on standardized assessments (FAST & MCA). CUB informational letters will be sent home in early September with CUB time beginning the third week of September. These students are scheduled in CUB time at the Intermediate level. The curriculum is based upon our Critical Essential Learning Outcomes which align to the Minnesota State Standards for Math and Common Core English Language Arts standards for reading.
Middle: Students are able to choose from various electives in middle school through exploratory offerings of STEM, Technology, Industrial Tech., Choir, Music, Band, Art, FACS, Health and Phy ed. Students are also recommended for an Accelerated Math class in grades 6-8. This is based on standardized score history and teacher input. Middle School students also are invited to participate in Academic Triathalon based on MCA data, teacher recommendation and standardized score history.
High: Students have even more variety of electives and core classes to choose from at this level. Courses are offered through College Now in partnership with SMSU, students have PSEO options and Advanced Placement exams for opportunities to attain college credit. Our high school gives the ACT, ASVAB, ACCUPLACER and or SAT to all juniors and seniors to help them continue to prepare for their future. Sophomores may take the PSAT. Our high school is implementing the Profile of a Graduate curriculum in Advisory as well as enhancing authentic learning in all courses, where students can research, study and explore opportunities for their futures. Students may also choose a Mentorship and or Internship during their high school years.