Black & Gold Fun-Drive
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The Byron PTO is proud to present the 6th Annual BLACK & GOLD FUN-DRIVE during the week of April 14-20.
Designed to be a fun and easy no-sale fundraising event, BLACK & GOLD is a fantastic way to show your support to our children, teachers, and staff at Byron Public Schools.
So far this year the Byron PTO has been able to provide the following support to our schools:
Field trip transportation
Kindergarten cooking
Real Care babies for Child Development classes
Calculators for High School math
Books and furniture for Middle School library
Parent education nights
Nutrition curriculum in the Primary School
Phy Ed Curriculum
I Love to Read Month books for students
Pride Tiles (5th grade)
With your help, we can continue to help provide quality educational experiences for our children.
Stay tuned to our social media pages for updates on the week's events.