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Volunteer at Byron Public Schools


We value and appreciate your participation in children's education.  As a parent you are your child's first and most important teacher.  We recognize the time and effort you give both at home and within our schools as an important component in offering the very best education possible.  Hundreds of hours are donated every year to support learning across our school district.  It is a priority within the Byron School District that all our children are provided a safe and secure education as well.  Each year we continue to review our practices, procedures and policies around these areas.  We would like to clarify the difference between a "Visitor" versus a "Volunteer" and the steps that need to be taken to work with students within each of these categories. 

  • Visitor: A visitor will be defined as someone who is working with students under the direct supervision of a school employee and therefore would not require a background check.  A visitor would not be allowed to be alone at any time with students without direct supervision.   If what you intend to do falls under this category you simply continue working with your child's teacher or school employee as you've always done. 
  • Volunteer: A volunteer is someone who has had a background check approved and therefore may work with students alone with only indirect monitoring from a school employee.  If your time within our schools requires you to be alone at any time with our students you will be asked to complete a background check.  If you wish to be a volunteer, please click here and complete an application.  After our district office has received confirmation that your application has met our requirements you will be notified and can begin volunteering.