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Minnesota law requires that children enrolled in school are immunized against certain diseases or file a legal medical or conscientious exemption.

Per Minnesota Statute Section 121A.15, schools must monitor incoming kindergartners for immunization compliance of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, varicella, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, and rubella and 7th grade students for the addition of the meningococcal vaccine.

For copies of your child's vaccination records, talk to your doctor or call the Minnesota Immunization Information Connection (MIIC) at 651-201-3980. If a clinic copy is unavailable, a written list of your child's immunizations may be submitted on the following Student Immunization Form.


Please refer to the following links for additional information regarding Immunizations and School Immunization Requirements:



Medical Exemption

If an immunization is medically contraindicated for a child, or if there is laboratory confirmation that a child is already immune to certain diseases against which immunization is normally required, the student may submit a statement to this effect, signed by a health care provider, in order to be considered exempt from the contraindicated or unnecessary immunization.

Elective Exemption

If a child's parent or guardian, or the child (in the case of an emancipated minor), wishes to be exempt, based on their beliefs, from one or more immunization requirements, the parent or child may submit a statement to this effect, signed by the submitting person and notarized.

Notarized exemption can be completed on the backside of the Student Immunization Form.